until the total solar eclipse.

Revolutionary War Travel Guides

Until the 250th Anniversary of the Revolutionary War Begins
Until the 250th Anniversary of the Revolutionary War Begins
Learn how to explore the battlefields, historic sites, and museums of the Revolutionary War.
This is a work in progress. I will continue writing new articles as I travel to more Revolutionary War sites across the country. Bookmark this page and come back monthly.

Explore the Revolutionary War travel guides chronologically to find a particular event.


march 23, 1775

Patrick Henry's Speech

April 18, 1775

Patriots' Midnight Run

April 19, 1775

Battle of Lexington and Concord

April 19, 1775 - March 17, 1776

Siege of Boston

May 10, 1775

Second Continental Congress

May 10, 1775

Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

June 17, 1775

Battle of Bunker Hill

November 19, 1775

Battle of Ninety Six

December 9, 1775

Battle of Great Bridge

December 31, 1775

Battle of Quebec

February 27, 1776

Battle of Moores Creek

April 12, 1776

Halifax Resolves


June 28, 1776

Battle of Sullivan's Island

July 1, 1776

Cherokee War of 1776 Begins

July 4, 1776

Declaration of Independence Adopted

July 21, 1776

Battle of Sycamore Shoals

August 2, 1776

Declaration of Independence Signed

August 27-29, 1776

Battle of Brooklyn

September 15-16, 1776

Battle of Harlem Heights

October 11, 1776

Battle of Lake Champlain

October 28, 1776

Battle of White Plains

November 16, 1776

Battle of Fort Washington

November 20, 1776

Battle of Fort Lee

December 26, 1776

First Battle of Trenton


Jan 2, 1777

Second Battle of Trenton

Jan 3, 1777

Battle of Princeton

June 14, 1777

Flag Resolution

July 7, 1777

Battle of Hubbardton

September 11, 1777

Battle of Brandywine

September 26, 1777

British Capture Philadelphia

October 4, 1777

Battle of Germantown

October 7, 1777

Second Battle of Saratoga


May 20, 1778

Battle of Barren Hill

June 18, 1778

British Evacuate Philadelphia

June 28, 1778

Battle of Monmouth

December 29, 1778

British Capture Savannah, GA


February 3, 1779

Battle of Port Royal

February 14, 1779

Battle of Kettle Creek

February 23 - 25, 1779

Siege of Fort Vincennes

August 29, 1779

Battle of Newtown

September 12-21, 1779

Battle of Baton Rouge

September 16 - October 18, 1779

Siege of Savannah


March 29 - May 12, 1780

Siege of Charleston

May 12, 1780

British Capture Charleston

July 1, 1780

British Capture Georgetown, SC

August 1, 1780

Battle of Rocky Mount

August 6, 1780

Battle of Hanging Rock

August 18, 1780

Battle of Fishing Creek


January 7, 1781

Battle of Mobile

March 5, 1781

Battle of Guilford Courthouse

March 9 - May 10, 1781

Siege of Pensacola

September 28 - October 19, 1781

Siege of Yorktown

October 19, 1781

General Lord Cornwallis Surrenders at Yorktown

October 22, 1781

Hilton Head Island Ambush

October 19, 1781

Attack on Fair Lawn Barony



september 23, 1783

Treaty of Paris

After a lengthy delay and almost two years after Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, the final peace treaty is signed by British and American representatives in Paris.

Explore the Revolutionary War travel guides by state. Visit the Destinations page to explore all states.

South Carolina

Explore the Revolutionary War travel guides.

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Do you have a question about travel or road trips? Are you a CVB or DMO interested in working with me? I typically respond to emails within 24 hours. Quicker if you include a good riddle.