until the total solar eclipse.

Work With Me

Media Trip

Travel Photography

Influencer Campaign

Sponsored Post

Editorial Content

Previous Campaigns

Thinking of working with me? Great! My life is a road trip but my business is to inspire others to travel. Here are some ways we can work together, details about my brand and audience, and lots and lots of numbers.

Written by

Jason Barnette


December 26, 2018

why partner with me

We are becoming more dependent on a virtual landscape than ever before, especially when it comes to travel. Often times when planning a trip the first step will be to conduct an online search. Other times it was a social media post that inspired the trip in the first place.

With that being said, here are four numbers I feel that make my brand at Southeastern Traveler stand out:

social media followers
monthly page views
monthly social media impressions

These are just numbers. Numbers can be manipulated. Numbers can be lies. If you really want to know why you should work with me just browse through my social media feeds. My followers are dedicated and constantly inspired. I receive messages and comments about giving them an idea for a road trip or destination vacation all the time. They know what to expect from me.

Inspiration is what it’s all about. It doesn’t matter how many social media followers I have or how many people visit my website. If they are not inspired by my photography, recounting of my adventures, or guides to road trips across the country then I have failed.

P.S. I don’t fail.

how we can work together

All travel bloggers have their own ways of working with CVBs and DMOs. Over the years I have tried a little bit of everything and beginning in 2020 I finally feel I have found my footing in what I can offer. Take a look at these options and see if any of these appeal to you.

Media/Familiarization Tour

The old class Media/Press/Familiarization Tour. Over the years I have completed dozens of Fam Trips across the country. Once an itinerary is set I begin the Search Engine Optimization research to learn what I can write that will rank best. During the Fam Trips I live tweet my activities followed up by social media posts on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Upon completion of the trip the real work begins. I deliver 2-3 blog posts, a downloadable guide of some kind, and high quality images within a couple of weeks. I add the blog posts to my editorial calendar for a full campaign of social media posts and SEO results.


High quality travel photography is what got me started in 2009. Photography has remained my greatest passion since that time. With a wide array of photography equipment including various lenses, filters, and lighting equipment I am ready to tackle any photo assignment.

With a photography assignment you have completely control of where and what I photograph. Pick a subject and I will being the creative process of capturing inspiring photos.

All photography is delivered within two weeks of completion of the assignment. The deliverables include high-res JPG files in a password-protected gallery and a license agreement to use the photos forever.

Sponsored Post

The Sponsored Post is my favorite way to work with others. It’s super easy, affordable, and has the opportunity to provide a lasting impact on your destination.

The first step is to pick a post you would like to sponsor. This can be a previously unsponsored post or I can write a new one from scratch. I conduct Search Engine Optimization research to make sure whatever post you sponsor has the greatest chance of being seen online.

A Sponsored Post is all about the links. It starts with a “Post Sponsored By” box at the very top of the post with your CVB name, description, and a link to your website. Within the body content of the post you have an option to add an additional 10 no-follow links to your website.

Contact me at to inquire about pricing and opportunities for sponsoring a post.

who i’ve worked with

I have worked with a lot of convention & visitor bureaus, state tourism agencies, magazines, and tourism companies over the years. I’m not about to list them all, but here is a pretty good list to give you an idea of how diverse my work has been.

Do you have a question about travel or road trips? Are you a CVB or DMO interested in working with me? I typically respond to emails within 24 hours. Quicker if you include a good riddle.
Do you have a question about travel or road trips? Are you a CVB or DMO interested in working with me? I typically respond to emails within 24 hours. Quicker if you include a good riddle.